Digital Online Studio Apps

Full Body Workouts 1.3
"Best 3 Full Body Workouts For Size!There are a number of ways you can set up a full-body workoutthat's aimed at gaining size.Find out which of the following 3 options will help you.If you're looking to pack on some serious mass, one of the bestways to go about accomplishing this mission is to get on a fullbody workout program.Many seeking muscle gain are quick to assume that three days in thegym is not enough to effectively add body mass, however that's notthe case at all.Good Luck!"
Strong Core Workouts 1.5
"Best Core Workouts For A Tight Midsection!Both guys and gals strive to have a strong toned midsection butvery few of them achieve it.Try these 5 core workout programs to get a tight, strong core.We will go over the basic anatomy of what makes up the core, andlist five easy to follow workouts to help strengthen yourmidsection.Diet and cardiovascular training will have to be in check for youto see your abs.This application will only focus on the training that goes intobuilding and strengthening your mighty core.Good Luck!"
Core Training For MMA 1.3
"Learn the benefits of core training for MMAExcellence!This Program will make you better at any sport.Stop using your sport as training, and start training to be betterat your sport!This 4 Week program will carry over to whatever activity you loveand help you dominate it!Core training is one of the most important training requirementsfor athletes.Learn more about these training workouts for MMA fighters.Good Luck!"
High Cardio Workouts 1.2
"Are You looking to take your cardio to thenext level?Take your cardio training to the next level with theseathlete-recommended routines.""4 High-Performance Cardio Workouts""you need to find workouts that push you to your limit. Thesefour routines definitely will.They're from RSP's super-fit athletes, all of whom are always onthe search for new ways to put more into all aspects of theirtraining—and get more out of it.Here are their top workout choices.Good Luck!"
Beginner Trainer 1.3
"It doesn't matter if you're trying to shed fat, pack on slabs ofmuscle, or trying diet and exercise for the first time.This starter kit is designed for you.The Simple Key To SuccessThat's the reason you're here: to find the answers you need, theprograms that work, and the nutrition guidance that will finallygive you the means to change your body.The time has come. Take a deep breath, prepare your mind, and letthe experts help you bear the load.Your approach should be simple, so simple that it's nearlyimpossible for you to fail.Success is the only option. That's all I care about: success andresults.GET STARTED!Good Luck!As always if you have any questions don't hesitate to drop me anemail."
Sexy Back Workout 1.4
"A beautiful and sexy back can make you looklike a goddess!Your back is an essential piece of a balanced, symmetricalphysique.Start building yours with IFBB Figure Professional Trainer videoback workout!Improve your posture, eliminate back pain, and build strengthwith this killer Program back workout.Beginner, intermediate, and advanced exercises to sculpt andstrengthen your back.Good Luck!"
Back Workout For Mass 1.4
"Not sure which exercises to select on back day?If you're someone who only like to work out your ""showmuscles"" (chest, arms, abs and some shoulders) then move on, butif you are looking to have a thick, dense and well-balanced upperbody then stick around.Today we are going to discuss how to turn your baby back into widethick wings of muscle.Follow this mass-building back workout and really earn yourwings.You'll achieve the physique of your dreams and never look back!Good Luck!"
Arm Workouts For Mass 1.4
"How beginners can build bigger arms?Guide discusses forearms, biceps & triceps, their function,and exercises. Try the following 5 workout programs.Sculpt strong and toned arms fast with these six essentialexercises.Check out this master list of the most result-producing armroutines in bodybuilding history!Good Luck!"
Booty Workouts 1.2
"Make your booty shorts live up to their namewith these three ultra effective workouts!The secret to these workouts is weight. Yep, weight.If you want to grow a firmer, rounder behind, you'll need to useresistance! I've selected exercises that will target your glutes,but it's up to you to make the moves challenging.Add the extra glute work into your routine for about sixweeks.When you're done, take an ""after"" pic, and go buy yourself somenew jeans!Good Luck!"
Orthodontist 1.3
"Why should I have orthodontic treatment?Many people have crowded or crooked teeth. Orthodontic treatmentwill straighten the teeth or move them into a betterposition.This can improve their appearance and the way the teeth bitetogether, while also making them easier to clean.Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that corrects teeth andjaws that are positioned improperly.Crooked teeth and teeth that do not fit together correctly areharder to keep clean, are at risk of being lost early due to toothdecay and periodontal disease, and cause extra stress on thechewing muscles that can lead to headaches, TMJ syndrome and neck,shoulder and back pain.Teeth that are crooked or not in the right place can also detractfrom one's appearance."
Powerlifting Training 1.3
"Powerlifting Training For The Beginner!Even the most hardcore training methods revolve around simpleprinciples, the main one being; lift heavier weights, getstronger...You will understand and learn basic form of the main three powerlifts and your Central Nervous System will be used to fire and movethe weights in the ranges of motion specific to the corelifts.By using this routine you will also gain some hypertrophy becausethere are no sets in which you do triples or singles (sets of 3 or1 reps, respectively).This will also not cause joint pain or tendonitis unless you'redoing something horribly wrong.Good Luck!"
Shoulder Workouts For Mass 1.4
"Want to take your shoulders to the nextlevel?Beginners can learn more and start building them with thefollowing 5 devastating delt workouts.Shoulders are an important muscle, so why is it that so many peoplecan't seem to develop a thick, well-balanced set ofshoulders?Keep reading and we will figure out the answer to that question intime.Finally and what you have been waiting for We will include fiveof Our favorite workout programs to help turn your baseball-sizedshoulders into massive bowling balls of muscle.Good Luck!"
Baldness 1.3
How to Manage and Prevent Hair Loss?If you Are starting to go bald, it could feel like you're losinga piece of your identity.Losing your hair in your 20s and 30s might seem like the end of theworld at the time, but I’m here to tell you it isn’t.+Forget thefear that beautiful women won’t date a man whose hairline hasturned and fled.Forget the fear that beautiful women won’t date a man whosehairline has turned and fled.Understanding the cause of your excessive hair loss in men canhelp you decide if treatment options are right for you or if yourhair will grow back.Here are some common causes of hair loss in men,women andchildren.We Will Help You In this application to Learn :1- How to Know If You're Going Bald2- How to Treat Balding Hair3- Is Baldness Hereditary?4- At What Age Will You Start to Go Bald?5- How to Regrow a Hairline6- How to Stimulate Hair Growth Naturally7- How to Create a Natural Hairline8- What Causes Hair Loss?9- What Are Treatments for Male Pattern Baldness?10- What Is Baldness in Women?11- Pros & Cons of Rogaine (Minoxidil)12- Pros & Cons of Propecia (Finasteride)13- 2 Hair Transplant Techniques14- What Is a Body-to-Hair Transplant?15- Who Is a Good Candidate for a Hair Transplant?16- At What Age Should You Get a Hair Transplant?17- How Much Does a Hair Transplant Cost?18- What to Expect after Hair Transplant Surgery19- How to Care for a Hair Transplant20- How Long until Transplanted Hair Grows In?21- Can Transplanted Hair Be Dyed?22- Can Hair Transplants Grow on Scarred or Burned Skin?23- How to Treat Scars from Old Hair Transplants24- Can You Transplant Hair into Facelift & Brow LiftScars?25- Pros & Cons of Hair Plugs26- How to Correct Bad Hair Plugs27- How to Thicken Thin Hair28- What Causes Alopecia?29- What Vitamins Promote Hair Growth?30- What Are Shampoos That Treat Hair Loss?31- Can a Laser Comb Regrow Hair?32- How to Treat a Bald Patch33- What Causes Hair Shedding?34- How to Stop Hair Shedding35- What Is Seasonal Hair Shedding?36- What Is Scalp Reduction?37- Stem Cell Research & Hair Growth38- How to Help Hair Grow Back after Chemo39- Is Histogen Effective for Treating Baldness?40- Laser Cap & Home Lasers vs. In-Clinic LaserTreatments41- 5 Eyebrow Transplant FAQs42- 5 Hair Cloning FAQs43- What Is a Hair Camouflage Product?44- How to Use Tattooing to Hide Hair Loss45- What Are Beard Transplants & Sideburn Transplants?46- 5 African American Hair Transplant FAQs47- How Does Ethnicity Affect Hair Loss Treatment?48- What Is a Robotic Hair Transplant?49- Can Latisse Treat Baldness?50- FUT vs. FUE Treatments for Baldness51- What Is Telogen Effluvium?
Wicca and Witchcraft 1.2
"Wicca for Beginners: Free Online WiccaLessons!This application, exploring the practices and symbolism ofmodern Wiccan ceremonies.Greetings, seekers!Are you looking to learn about the religion of Wicca? Well, youhave certainly come to the right place. Please have a seat and joinme in a cup of mint tea (doesn't it smell wonderful?).Let's talk."
Chest Workouts For Mass 1.4
"A complete guide on the best chest workout for mass!Does your chest resemble a sheet of plywood instead of themountains of muscle you have always wanted?Do you spend countless hours on the bench press with no gains insize?Have you started to think that you were just not meant to have abig chest? Well, stop right there, you're wrong ...We will include five of my favorite workout programs to helpturn your flat chest into massive slabs of muscle!Good Luck!"
Leg Workouts for Mass 1.5
"This beginner's guide also includes 5 workout programs to helpyoubuild massive legs. Try it now!We will discuss the legs, their function, and some exercisesforthem.You need to force your legs to grow. Your legs willresistyou.They will burn, shake and burn some more while you work out, butyouneed to push through and want more, as this is the only way tomakeyour legs grow.The journey will be hard, harder than anything you have everdonebefore, but once you see the results you will continue thisjourneyof leg training for life. Keep Going!Good Luck!As always if you have any questions don't hesitate to drop meanemail."
Abs Workouts 1.2
"Build a strong core with this 5 ExercisesForAmazing Abs!Target your abs from different angles, master the challengeofinstability, and build a strong core with this5-moveworkout!This workout isn't intended to help you build block abs.Get ready to sweat and carve your way to a stellar stomach!Good Luck!"